The Seedling Quilts - The Seedlings Quilt Sampler

According to ancient Hebrew tradition, once God had finished creating the universe, the world, the oceans and trees, he gave Adam a family and a garden. I’ve spent most of my life wanting much more than these. I wanted meaning and expression, recognition and adventure. I believed having my own little plot for creating order, and a bunch of little people to share it with, was too mundane, achieved too little.
Getting Better at Small Things
But in the last 2 years, our life has shrunk down to these two little things. Making my home a place of colour and peace, and taking responsibility for my family. I’m not leading teams of people or rallying for a cause or changing the world in some splashy way. I’m just looking after my little corner. And, it’s nice. It's nice because I’m getting much better at it, and because I failed constantly when I tried to do things that were way bigger than me.

My Own Quilted Garden
And so, finally, I get to share with you my special garden. It's my colourful collection of joy and peace and healing and hope. I’ve always been terrible at real gardening, but this is a garden I can make and enjoy. (I've shared why patchwork is better than gardening in this post.)
This is Seedlings Quilt. It's a sampler quilt made of all the designs in my book, The Seedling Quilts, but in small panels machine sewn together in a log cabin style to make a beautiful, EPP and applique quilt.

Want to make your own Seedlings sampler quilt?
Grab a copy of my book on Amazon, and the paper pieces and acrylic templates in the shop below!
You should reissue with comments and herbal notes. I’d love to read it complete.
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