How to Make a Rose Star Quilt Block - Evensong Quilt

The Rose Star quilt block has been made by generations of quilters from both Britain (with English Paper Piecing) and America (with traditional hand piecing). It was originally sewn using only kites, but as regular ways of colouring the block emerged, half of the kites were replaced with hexagons and crowns to create the block often seen today. The Rose Star quilt block is the feature of our Evensong quilt, and we're delighted to share a tutorial for how to make this beautiful block with you here on the blog!

by Lisa Sliva

evensong block

Let's make a Rose Star block for your Evensong Quilt!


EPP supplies
evensong block

Begin by basting all of your paper pieces to their fabric shapes with your preferred basting method per the pattern instructions.

Stitching Rounds 1-2

1. In multi-round blocks like the Rose Star quilt block in Evensong quilt, it can be helpful to lay out your stitching in front of you before you begin sewing the block together. So, position all of the 2" crowns around the 2" center hexagon.

step 1

2. Next, choose the first crown that you want to sew to the hexagon, and align the edges so you know which seam to stitch first.  

step 2

3. Place the crown right sides together (RST) with the hexagon to start stitching.

step 3

4. Beginning in one corner, whipstitch the two pieces together along the length of the seam, securing the thread at the beginning and end of the seam. Do not snip your thread.

whipstitch the pieces

5. Open up the crown to reveal your work!

step 5

6. Position the next 2" crown RST with the center hexagon as shown in the photo, and stitch it in place in the same fashion as steps 3-4.

step 6

7. Continue sewing all the way around the perimeter of the hexagon until all of the crowns are attached.

step 7

Pro Tip:

At this stage, you may find it helpful to pull out the center hexagon paper to make it easier to manage the block. To do this, simply peel the seam allowance away from the paper and pull the paper out. 

pro tip 1

8. Align the short edges of two adjacent crowns so that the shapes are RST. Whipstitch the seam to connect them. Clip your thread.

step 8

9. Continue whipstitching the crowns to each other to complete Round 2.

Step 9

Stitching Round 3

10. Organize the 1" kites for Round 3 into pairs oriented as shown in the photo below. Whipstitch the kites into 6 pairs total.

a pair of kites
whipstitch the kites

11. Arrange the kite pairs around the perimeter of Round 2. 

step 12

12. Place the first kite pair RST with Round 2 of the block. 

step 13

Pro Tip: 

When lining up these rounds, use a clip to prioritize lining up the middle of the block. The edges will sort themselves out later!

find the repeat you want

13. Whipstitch the kite pair in place along the first edge of the block. Do not clip the thread.

step 13

14. Continue stitching the kite pairs around the perimeter of the block to complete Round 3.

step 14

Stitching Round 4

15. Position a 1" kite RST with a kite pair from Round 3.

step 15

16. Begin stitching at the bottom of the crevice made by the kite pair, and whipstitch the seam to attach the first half of the kite. Do not clip your thread.

stitch from the inner crevice out
kite is attached

17. Position the adjacent crown RST with the long edge of the same kite pair from Round 3.

step 17

18. Whipstitch the crown in place, folding the block as needed to stitch around corners.

whipstitch in place
crown stitched in

19. Continue sewing kites, alternated with crowns, around the entire perimeter of the block to complete it!

step 19

Watch the whole process below!

Ready to make your own Rose Star quilt block as part of your Evensong quilt?

We hope that this little tutorial has helped demystify the lovely Rose Star quilt block for you! Be sure to grab the pattern, papers, and acrylic templates to make the whole quilt below!

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